And this will be my last post here for a couple of days. I’m off to spend some time getting acquainted with the mud. Excellent.
Month: June 2003
I don’t have much to say today, but I couldn’t resist blogging these two: The draft George Bush 2004 election campaign website that was accidentally published early makes for interesting viewing. I also found Mindy’s editorial on women rather amusing. As Slate says, it “reads like radical feminist poetry”. They’ve obviously never heard of loreum ipsum. On the other hand, New Zealand’s TV3 gets to the point by accidentally using the following caption during a…
I’m very disappointed to discover that the rumour that has been doing the rounds that Powergen picked a dodgy URL for their Italian division,, is a hoax (although I’m pleased to see that “who represents?”, “a web site for looking up information about which agents, managers, and publicists represent various actors”, does indeed use the URL Ah. It’s the little things that keep me amused…
I almost forgot. Did I mention the rugby? Why am I only surrounded by aussies when we lose to them…? UPDATE: Oh, and the tennis. Not been a good week for the aussies, really, has it? Where’s Andrew when you need him…
Over the last few days, in the run up to Glasto, my life seems to have turned into one of those logic puzzles where you are trying to get a number of items over a river in a small boat, but you have to keep crossing the river with various combinations of the items because you can’t take them all at once or leave certain combinations alone together. If I remember rightly, it’s usually a…
I’ve been rather busy this week, and haven’t found time to write much here. So here are some random thoughts. – We’re still the web’s number 1 search result for “brain surgeon’s salary” (although, somewhat disappointingly, we’ve dropped down to third in the results for “creative writing magazine“) – I still can’t pass a bookshop without buying something. Oops, and something else. – Tim Yeo is still an idiot (you’ll probably be wanting to read…
Should be another cracking weekend. Apart from the absolutely gorgeous weather (at least today, although Chris Smith promised us it would last the weekend), there’s lots going on: There’s Claire’s birthday drinks tonight, for a start, which should be fun. Also, my big sister’s up for the weekend, and along with Sally we’re off to see Sexual Perversity In Chicago on Saturday night, with Minnie Driver, Matthew Perry and, best of all, the voice of…
Defeating Copy Control: Not Rocket Science After All
My copy of Radiohead’s Hail To The Thief finally arrived the other day. It’s the very funky limited edition fold-out roadmap version, and although I was impressed by the packaging (I’m a sucker for a marketing gimmick, no matter how impractical it might be – and this one is not going to sit well in my CD rack), I was rather disappointed to read the message on the back: “This disc contains Copy Control technology”.…
I present to you my social life, reviewed: The Wannadies, The Underworld, Camden, Thursday 5th June Stop me if I’ve mentioned this before, but I love The Wannadies – they’re just so happy for a start. Seeing them live is like watching summer standing on stage for an hour playing chirpy three-minute power guitar pop. I’d seen them before, twice, but both those times they were promoting what I consider to be their worst album…
As I’ve explained before, I have my reasons for posting stuff on here. Mostly, I treat it as a brief break from work (I’m sure there’s some kind of inverse correlation between the quality of my posts and how hard I’m working/how busy I am), an opportunity to try (and mostly fail, I suppose) to be funny, and an excuse to write something more interesting than technical documentation. Yes, believe it or not, that is…